Hi there. Nice to meet you.
“The future is called ‘perhaps,’ which is the only possible thing to call the future. And the only important thing is not to allow that to scare you.” -Tennessee Williams, Orpheus Descending, 1957
What is a muzungu and why are you writing this blog? A muzungu is a traveler. Or a white person. It depends on who you ask. I’m twenty-three years
old, just out of my first year of teaching, and moving to East Africa.
Yes. Africa.
Why? Because it's a completely amazing place. I spent last summer in Uganda with the
inspiring Volunteer Uganda- teaching English and math to 11-16 year olds
in the rural district of Kanungu. When it was time to leave, I was in
tears at Entebbe International Airport. I had new family, new friends,
and a life full of sunshine and purpose. In three months of teaching
children who could afford only to bring lengths of sugarcane to school
for lunch, I met some of the bravest, most stubborn, and most amazing
children ever to grace this earth. These students, whose parents
couldn’t in most cases even afford to buy them shoes, smiled and laughed
more than kids I’ve taught who wear the newest Nike sneakers every day back in
Philadelphia. Before I even left, I was plotting how to get back.
(If you want to know more about Volunteer Uganda- and you should- check out www.volunteeruganda.org. I highly recommend taking a few weeks out of your year to experience something that will change your life forever.)
opportunity came when a private international school in Kampala
accepted my application and offered me a position to teach high school
English to their diverse population of students. As sorry as I was to
say goodbye to my 8th graders in the United States, I’m taking off in
two weeks to start a new life of teaching abroad. I can’t thank the team
of teachers I worked with this past year enough. They are some of the
most genuine, honest, hard-working, and generous people I have ever met.
If you’re one of those teachers, you know who you are. Thank you so
much. And don’t let my BFF teacher across the hall sing too many “Salami
Gomez” and “Hannah Wyoming” songs to the kids next year (as corny as
that sounds, those jokes are hilarious before 7 AM.) Though if he does, please take video. You guys are the best, and have taught me so much.
my send-off party this past weekend, my dearest friends came out to
wish me luck in this seemingly crazy endeavor. And a few of them
starting tossing around an interesting word: calling. “It’s amazing that
you’ve found your calling, Diane.” In a send off note, “I hope by the
time you get back I’ll be lucky enough to have found my calling, too.”
I’m still a little stunned when I think about it. It is true that my
life has been about teaching since before I can remember (thanks to
three educator parents.) But a calling suggests that this is the purpose
I have been put in this world for. The job that God planned for me to
do. How wonderful would it be if I really have found my calling at
being destined to do a job doesn’t mean that it will be easy. I’m
jumping from teaching thirteen year olds in public school who challenged
me to push-up contests at the end of class, would demand an honest
explanation as to why I was upset to hear them speak too knowledgeably
about sex at their age, and who would occasionally curse me out, to a
Christian classroom of students from all around the world. I love where I
came from. My students helped me grow as much as or more than I helped
them. I took a lot of joy from seeing them develop throughout a year and
realize that they were capable of some pretty amazing things. I
wouldn’t be surprised if two of them become famous hip-hop artists
someday. (If they do, I have video and drafts of original lyrics that
will be worth millions!)
I look forward to the opportunity to discuss literature from a
Christian vantage point (something I have never had the chance to do
before,) and get to know a group of students whose lives are so much
different than my own. I hope that my new coworkers don’t mind that
despite their recommendations about packing Tevas, I plan to keep up my
professional tradition of wearing heels. It has always seemed like a
good thing for my students to know when I’m coming down the hall. Though
I don’t know if I’ll have to worry about this crowd and paper airplane
fights. That, and they help to keep me from getting mistaken for a
before the school year begins in the big city, I’ll be headed back to
Kanungu to visit friends and family from last year, and to work on plans
for a proposed library project. While teaching the village children
last year, I was struck by the lack of literacy in classrooms, and saw
that a big part of the problem was likely the fact that there was almost
no access to books. Students can’t practice their learning if they have
nothing to read. After discussing my observations with the Hon. Rev.
Canon Dr. Hamlet Mbabazi (those are a lot of titles to say that he is
ordained, a former MP, and now the serving chaplain to Uganda’s national
parliament,) he shared that a library had been on his mind too. So
during the holidays, I’ll be trying to raise enough money for bricks.
I’ll be sure to update you as that project develops.
so the time of leaving approaches. I will miss my family and friends
here in the US, but I can’t help this sneaking feeling that something
pretty spectacular awaits.
Lots of Love,
Lots of Love,
Quotation source: www.quotegarden.com
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